Monday, August 24, 2020
Cost Theory
Cost Theory in Economics A focal financial idea is that getting something requires quitting any trace of something different. For instance, acquiring more cash may require working more hours, which costs more recreation time. Financial specialists use cost hypothesis to give a system to seeing how people and firms allot assets so that minimizes expenses and advantages high. 1. Capacity * Economists see costs as what an individual or firm should offer up to get something different. Opening an assembling plant to deliver products requires an expense of money.Once a plant proprietor goes through cash to make merchandise, that cash is not, at this point accessible for something different. Creation offices, hardware utilized in the creation procedure and plant laborers are for the most part instances of expenses. Cost hypothesis offers a way to deal with understanding the expenses of creation that permits firms to decide the degree of yield that harvests the best degree of benefit in any event cost. 2. Highlights * Cost hypothesis contains different proportions of expenses. These incorporate an association's fixed expenses and variable expenses. The previous don't differ with the amount of merchandise produced.Rent on an office is a case of a fixed expense. Variable costs change with the amount delivered. Whenever expanded creation requires more specialists, for instance, those laborers' wages are variable expenses. The total of fixed and variable expenses is an association's all out expenses. * Additional Measures * Cost hypothesis infers two extra cost measures. Normal complete expense is the all out cost partitioned by the quantity of merchandise created. Minor expense is the expansion in absolute cost that outcomes from expanding creation by one unit of output.Marginalsâ€including peripheral expenses and negligible revenueâ€are key ideas in standard monetary idea. Falling and Rising Costs * Economists regularly use diagrams, like flexibly and-request outli nes, to represent cost hypothesis and firms' choices about creation. A normal all out cost bend is a U-formed bend on a financial graph. This shape shows how normal all out costs decay as yield rises and afterward ascend as negligible costs increment. Normal all out costs decay from the start in light of the fact that as creation rises, normal expenses are appropriated over a bigger number of units of output.Eventually, negligible expenses of expanding yield rise, which builds normal all out expenses. Expanding Profits * Economic hypothesis holds that the objective of a firm is to augment benefit, which equivalents all out income short absolute expense. Deciding a degree of creation that produces the best degree of benefit is a significant thought, one that implies focusing on negligible expenses, just as minor income (the expansion in income emerging from an increment in yield). Under cost hypothesis, as long as minimal income surpasses negligible cost, expanding creation will rais e profit.Types of Cost Economics Economists consider costs various ways. Despite the fact that you may peruse the expense of a soup can at $1 as it’s recorded on the market rack, business analysts see the expense of the soup can in totally different manners. For instance, a business analyst asks what you are offering up to purchase that container of soup over another thing. They measure the firm’s cost of delivering that soup can as it identifies with their yield and factors of creation. Along these lines, the various sorts of financial expenses are changed. 1. Sunk Cost * A sunk expense is a cost that can't be recouped.Mark Hirschy, writer of the book, â€Å"Fundamentals of Managerial Economics,†clarifies that sunk expenses ought not factor into a choice when settling on options. For instance, say an individual burned through $50,000 on a degree in instruction and acquires $60,000 as an educator. She is later extended to an employment opportunity in promoting that pays her $80,000. In spite of the fact that she might be enticed to factor in her training degree as motivation to remain in her present showing work, her $50,000 degree is viewed as a sunk expense. She previously went through this cash, and it can't be recouped.In this case, she should just think about the separate compensations of the positions. In the event that all else is held equivalent, she should seek after the promoting work. Opportunity Cost * An open door cost is the estimation of an elective decision. Despite the fact that the word â€Å"cost†for the most part likens to a numerical worth, similar to a dollar figure, this isn't generally the situation. William Baumol and Alan Blinder, writers of the book, â€Å"Economics: Principles and Policy,†express that an open door cost computes impalpable things like time, area and occupation satisfaction.They clarify opportunity costs are what you offer up to tail one strategy. For instance, a college alum is s ettling on a vocation as a tech expert in Seattle or a venture representative in New York City. On the off chance that the graduate seeks after the venture merchant position, the open door expenses of previous the activity in Seattle could be a more slow pace of life, $10,000 more significant pay and lower expenses of living like lease and food. * Marginal Cost * A peripheral expense is the sum it takes to deliver one more item.Under this perspective on costs, they shift along the creation line and by and large the expense to deliver a decent diminishes after some time. Naturally, this bodes well: the more capable you become at delivering a decent, the quicker you can do it and less waste is created. The investment funds in labor and material as you accomplish â€Å"economies of scale†implies the expense of creation generally diminishes. The manner in which financial experts locate the peripheral expense is by taking the subordinate of the absolute expenses as it identifies with the all out yield. Step by step instructions to Find Marginal Cost in EconomicsDeciding whether to deliver more units is frequently founded on minor expense. The financial idea of negligible expense is the expense related with creating one extra unit. This data is essential to organizations since it permits the organization to choose if the extra unit merits delivering from a budgetary point of view. At the point when an organization delivers a modest quantity of item, the expense of extra units frequently decline. Notwithstanding, peripheral costs increment when extra units are included once the creation level arrives at the very least. This depends on the law of reducing minor returns.Instructions 1. * 1 Calculate the adjustment in absolute variable expense. This is the sum that the costs expanded by after extra units are created. For instance, in the event that you'd prefer to deliver more T-shirts and the expansion in yield would change the expenses by $100, at that point t he all out factor cost is $100. * 2 Find the adjustment in amount delivered. This speaks to what number of extra units you might want to deliver in the given situation. For instance, the adjustment in amount might be 50 on the off chance that you'd want to deliver 300 T-shirts rather than 250. * 3 Divide the adjustment in complete variable expenses from Step 1 by the adjustment in amount from Step 2. This will give you the negligible cost (minor expense = the adjustment in absolute variable cost/the adjustment in amount). For this model, $100 (the adjustment in absolute variable expense)/50 (the adjustment in amount) = $2 in peripheral costs, which is the expense of delivering each extra T-shirt. What Is the Relationship Between Production ; Cost? Creation costs are connected to the expense of materials and labor.The connection among creation and cost in any assembling procedure fluctuates dependent on volume delivered and whether any piece of the assembling procedure is redistribut ed or performed by subcontractors. Moreover, creation and cost proportions differ dependent on the measure of robotization associated with creation and the measure of human oversight and contribution required. 1. Variables of Production * The principle components of creation are work, capital and gracefully costs. Capital is characterized as gear, money saves, and physical area or creation facility.Labor is characterized as the measure of and cost of labor required to put up an item for sale to the public. This incorporates not just the physical work and oversight identified with item creation, yet in addition the related expenses of compensations of positions, for example, chiefs, conveyance drivers, distribution center managers, promoting executives and even managerial help. Gracefully costs are any charge related with making sure about important materials for creation. Subcontractor or redistributed work is viewed as a flexibly cost too, as the maker is basically buying an item o r administration for use in the creation process.In this model, work, for example, offsite making of item bundling or get together of minor segments of a completed item are viewed as gracefully costs similarly the acquisition of crude materials are viewed as gracefully costs. Volume of Production * Volume of creation figures connote the measure of items being delivered. Ordinarily, the more noteworthy the volume the lower the expense per unit as crude material providers frequently offer limits on mass or mass requests. Volume of creation depends on a company’s foreseen item needs, past deals records and set requests. *Volume of Business * The connection among creation and cost is every now and again controlled by the volume of business an organization is doing. A model that shows this point is a global nutrient enhancement organization that produces nutrients in mass contrasted with a little wellbeing natural way of life that delivers its own nutrient line in little amounts. The expense of the item created by the little organization will commonly be more prominent than the expense of the item offered by the mass maker in light of the fact that the littler organization delivers its item in littler volumes. Value Points The more it costs an organization to deliver an item, the more prominent value the organization should charge purchasers. A company’s creation costs incorporate the cost of materials, the expense of labor, the creation and bundling procedure, promoting, and appropriation. Mass makers might have the option to offer increasingly serious evaluating to end clients since they have the advantage of taking a shot at a slender edge because of the enormous volume of creation. In microeconomics, the since quite a while ago run is the theoretical timespan in which ther
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Contemporary Implications of Downsizing and Globalisation for the Essay
The Contemporary Implications of Downsizing and Globalization for the Global Company and Workforce - Essay Example In any case, cutting back may be ineffective whenever applied without thought of globalization. Coordinating a worldwide culture into the authoritative establishment is the assignment defying all organizations needing to get by in the contemporary worldwide economy (Marmolejo 2012). Various firms with broad involvement with the worldwide economy, for example, Gillette, have picked up information on making worldwide culture a component of the company’s standard tasks (Hassard et al. 2009). This paper examines the reasons organizations utilize scaling back and incorporate globalization into their activities, and the ramifications of these systems for work and day by day life in monetarily created nations. Scaling back and Globalization in Organizations Even for the exceptionally evolved associations on the universal field, the development of major monetary associations makes concerns, similar to how to effectively unite cutting back and globalization. Could a scaled back organiz ation, for example, adapt to advancements slanted towards globalization? For each organization, the improvement of the business sectors ceaselessly recharges worries for worldwide mix. In a flourishing financial express, the development towards globalization requires an engaged and continued self control. ... one of the principal premises of globalization, the ability to cut back all inclusive or, all the more explicitly, the support of cutting back by a worldwide point of view. Advancements with respect to worldwide incorporation and rivalry, modern smoothing out, and exchange understandings have for all time changed business exercises for the practically all chiefs. A specific ramifications for administrators is the at present far reaching selection of hierarchical scaling down. Scaling back has been particularly across the board among electronic or innovation firms these days (De Meuse 2004). In any case, scaling down influences each adventure that focuses on upper hand through cutting of expenses. There are two principle circumstances where cutting back could be fundamental. The first happens in quite a while that are troubled with inefficient resources or continually bombing units. They should make sense of whether to offer them to the individuals who can change these benefits into s omething beneficial (Gandolfi 2006). The subsequent circumstance happens when employments rely upon out of date innovation, for example, news organizations. In any case, discount ‘slash-and-burn’ techniques, similar to cover worker cutting back, once in a while bring about enduring focal points in benefits, effectiveness, and so forth (Gandolfi 2006). Cutting back - which began in the last piece of 1980s as a urgent, never-to-be-rehashed methodology to essentially diminish expenses to help organizations in contending universally or in enduring significant disappointments in their tasks - has as of now become a pillar in the worldwide financial field. There exists a solid interconnection between the three significant inspirations for scaling back, to be specific, client requests, most recent innovation, and worldwide rivalry, just as client arranged approaches and data based showcasing (Blackburn 1999). Specific
Friday, July 24, 2020
When You Shouldnt Fight to Save Your Marriage
When You Shouldn't Fight to Save Your Marriage Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems Print Is Your Marriage Actually Worth Saving? By Sheri Stritof Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20 years. Shes the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book. Learn about our editorial policy Sheri Stritof Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Carly Snyder, MD on January 29, 2020 facebook twitter linkedin Carly Snyder, MD is a reproductive and perinatal psychiatrist who combines traditional psychiatry with integrative medicine-based treatments. Learn about our Medical Review Board Carly Snyder, MD on January 29, 2020 People Images/Getty Images More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse Marriage can be a blessing, but it can also break your heartâ€"especially if you think youve reached the end of the road. Theres no easy path to the decision to divorce, and the journey through uncoupling is different for everyone. If youre wondering if its time to throw in the towel, you need to determine if your marriage is going through a rough patch or if your relationship is so toxic that its truly time to end it. Only you know the answer to the question of whether youre better off staying married or getting a divorce. Sometimes marriage is worth saving and sometimes it isnt. Abuse Is a Deal Breaker While there are many who believe that the only deal breaker in a marriage is physical abuse, others believe some marriages just shouldnt survive when theres serial infidelity and/or emotional or physical abuse.?? This type of unhealthy, incompatible marriage is likely unsalvageable and needs to end. Although the reality is that divorce is hard, for many its harder, more painful, and actually dangerous to live disconnected and disengaged emotionally from an abusive spouse. Indeed, the toll negative relationships take on physical health can be huge. Some research suggests that chronically negative or abusive relationships can even shorten your lifespan. Dont Wait for a Sign to Leave Its a difficult and heavy choice to jump ship and end your marriage, but when youre fighting a losing battle or are feeling trapped and powerless in a marriage that could ultimately cause you harm, dont wait for a sign out of the blue to tell you to stay or to leave. When its time to leave a bad relationship, chances are youll knowâ€"youll feel it in your gut. If youre still wavering, ask yourself whats still good about your marriage and what isnt. Listen to your inner voice and dont let a fear of the unknown keep you in a troubled marriage. Professional counseling can help you make it through this painful journey out of a dysfunctional relationship.?? Reasons Not to Fight to Save Your Marriage In no particular order, here are behaviors that can often get worse and ultimately can lead to divorce: Inability to compromiseDifferent goals or outlooks on lifeRepeated issuesExcessive spendingContinual lies, untrustworthyVery controlling over money, friends, etc.Playing the blame gameLack of empathyNo sense of responsibilityA sexless marriage, lack of affection or intimacyConstant criticismSerial unfaithfulnessDoesnt believe in monogamyBigamy or other criminal behaviorWont apologize for mistakes, has no remorse or regretUnwilling to try to save the marriageDenial of an addiction, refusal to seek helpAbuseLack of respect, contempt for each otherShifting priorities, such as whether or not to have children?? How to Know When Divorce Is the Right Move
Friday, May 22, 2020
A Brief Note On Ethics And Social Responsibility - 1543 Words
Women Equality Paige Haddock SOC 120: Introduction to Ethics Social Responsibility Shana Goodson 11/23/15 Introduction Promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls is a priority for the United States. Women’s equality has came a long ways. Women used to have it very hard historically, but even today women still experience some inequality towards men. In this paper it will examine the equalities in: voting, the workplace, and sexual harassment. This paper will also so how the ethical theories of Deontology and Utilitarianism plays a part and how the ethical perspective Emotivism also plays a part. Theories and Perspective Deontology is the reason for which the act is done and the rule according to which one chooses to act (Mosser, 2013). It doesn’t deny that the acts that we do have consequences (Mosser, 2013). It insists that those roles should not play a part in our moral evaluation of such acts (Mosser, 2013). Utilitarianism is a natural way to see whether an act is the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do it is to look at the results, or consequences of the act that we do (Mosser, 2013). Utilitarianism argues that, given a set of choices, the act that we should chose is one which produces the best results (Mosser, 2013). Emotivism offers a perspective on our ethical claims that eliminates much of the traditional kind of argument based on reason (Mosser, 2013). Emotivism, instead, sees our moral evaluation as simply the expression of whetherShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Ethics And Social Responsibility Essay1120 Words  | 5 Pages Discussion forum Unit 6 ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The world most regions and countries are experiencing unexpected rapid demographic change. The practical example of this change is the â€Å"huge expansion of human population†. Over five billion been added to the world population of 1960. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Character Analysis Pride And Prejudice - 1160 Words
Seema Sabbagh Mr. Clark AP Literature, 6th 11/10/14 Pride and Prejudice 2002 - Morally ambiguous characters -- characters whose behavior discourages readers from identifying them as purely evil or purely good -- are at the heart of many works of literature. Choose a novel or play in which a morally ambiguous character plays a pivotal role. Then write an essay in which you explain how the character can be viewed as morally ambiguous and why his or her moral ambiguity is significant to the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary. Judging by reality and fiction, there is not a single person to exist that has been purely evil or purely good. Yet it is in human nature to judge others as good or evil. Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of Pride and Prejudice was quick to judge Fitzwilliam Darcy, the second central character of the novel, harshly based on her false assumptions of the arrogance of the wealthy. His initial egocentrism, due to his belief in a structured social hierarchy, caused her to form a prejudiced opinion of him. Throughout Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy is shown to exhibit both good and evil qualities, although not always apparent to the narrator, Elizabeth. Jane Austen’s portrayal of Mr. Darcy as a morally ambiguous character uncovers the significance of class in English society during the late seventeenth century. The central theme of Pride and Prejudice is one of class. In a world where the lines of class are strictly drawn, the dignityShow MoreRelatedPride And Prejudic e Character Analysis1598 Words  | 7 Pagesanother era but also within generation themselves, as proves the character of Mr. Darcy. The evolution of Mr. Darcy’s character in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice symbolizes the disregarding of some of the values and behaviors regulating England’s Regency society such as class, reputation and the excess pride in such values. Mr. Darcy’s prejudice causes him to quickly judge others based solely on their social status and not their character, as society has taught him, to then realize that the two ofRead MoreCharacter Analysis of Pride and Prejudice Essay763 Words  | 4 PagesPride and Prejudice The characters and general setting in Jane Austens; Pride and Prejudice, portray life in the rural society of the day. Austen is very clear in setting up the social classes of the characters and immediately portrays why the book is titled Pride and Prejudice. Though the more specific example of Pride and Prejudice is that of Elizabeth and Darcy, and how they first view each other. There initial feelings towards one another set the plot of the novel. It is this constantRead MorePride And Prejudice Character Analysis1551 Words  | 7 PagesThe novel Pride and Prejudice was first published in 1813. Signet Classics published Jane Austen’s book in 1980. The story takes place in early 19th century England. 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Austen entitles her work Pride and Prejudice to emphasize subtly theRead MorePride And Prejudice Character Analysis Essay1801 Words  | 8 Pagesis also impulsive, stubborn, and outspoken. The protagonist of Jane Austen’s novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’ remains to be one of the most famous female characters in English Literature. Often noted in Instagram captions or on a homemade canvas bag, a quote such as â€Å"Looking for my Mr. Darcy†or something along those lines can be found all over the internet. From the time of her creation to the present-day her character has stood as a source of inspiration to her readers. â€Å"Lizzy†is a heroine with whomRead MoreCharacter Analysis of Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice Essay1019 Words  | 5 PagesCharacter Analysis: Mr. Darcy Introduced to Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice as a tall, handsome, self-absorbed aristocrat, Darcy experiences a change in personality and character. In order to dispose of his existent views on money and marriage, Darcy needed to feel something, to fall in love. Although he was well mannered, he did not know how to treat women with respect, especially those of a lesser economic status. The love of Elizabeth Bennet, however, changed his behavior. The reader isRead MoreWrite a Critical Analysis of Jane Austen’s Novel Pride and Prejudice, Paying Special Attention to Family Politics. Comment on the Elizabeth – Darcy Relationship. What Makes Elizabeth and Darcy Different from All Other Characters in the Novel?909 Words  | 4 PagesWrite a critical analysis of Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice, paying special attention to family politics. Comment on the Elizabeth – Darcy relationship. What makes Elizabeth and Darcy different from all other characters in the novel? 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The basis for this analysis was whether relationships should be navigated utilizing emotion and feeling or reason and logic. The literary work of Regency era author, Jane Austen, details such a balance, as it endeavors to convey Austen’s interpretation of true affection between couples of well-examined intrinsic morality. The characters of Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice conten d with the moral vices of pride and prejudice as they overcome judgementsRead MoreThe Representations of Femininity in Pride and Prejudice904 Words  | 4 Pagesrepressing period. Most of her characters and stories revolve around the lives of the upper class. It centers on the values, rituals, and manners of high society in England during the Regency Era. Her most popular novel, Pride and Prejudice published in 1813 maintains the interest of its audiences as it did almost two centuries earlier as evidenced by its frequent incarnations. In 1995, the British Broadcasting Corporation produced a six episode mini-series of Pride and Prejudice in partnership with Arts
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Paying Division One Athletes Free Essays
ENG 100P April 12, 2013 Pay to Play: Should Division One College Athletes be Paid? Every year division one college athletes put everything they have on the line during practice everyday and make hundreds of millions of dollars for their schools and the NCAA every year. These athletes aren’t just playing for the love of the game anymore once they reach the division one level, it turns into more of a job than an activity. The players spend hours every single day dedicating almost all of their time to the sport they play. We will write a custom essay sample on Paying Division One Athletes or any similar topic only for you Order Now These athletes work just as long and much harder than your average person working a nine to five job, so why don’t the athletes get paid for their commitments to their teams? Last year the NCAA made 871. 6 million dollars from division one sports. The average division one men’s football team brings in 15. 8 million dollars to their school each year. The amount of money that these sports make for their school is so high; the players should get some kind of reward for all they do for their schools. The old rules that say college athletes cant be paid in any way needs to change, division one college athletes deserve to be paid for all they do for the NCAA and their schools. Growing up every athlete’s dreams of playing in that national championship game for their dream school and scoring the winning touchdown or overtime goal. As a child you don’t realize that commitment it takes to be part of a division one athletic team. Coming from a big lacrosse and football town, my friends and I have gone through the division one recruiting process and know how hard it is to play a division one sport. Many of my former teammates play division one lacrosse and after talking to them I realized really how tough it is to play a division one sport. When asked about how lacrosse at Sacred Heart University was going, Freshman Spencer Hackett said; â€Å" I’ve grown up with lacrosse and I love the sport very much, but division one is so much more then I thought it would be. Everyday I have two practices that last at least two hour, then after that I have mandatory lift and film sessions. Spencer dedicates at least six hours every day for his team, and they’re one of the lowest ranked teams in division one, I can only imagine the commitment it takes to play on a high ranked team. In my personal experience of going through the division one recruiting process, I saw how much blood; sweat and tears go into being a division one athlete. On my overnight visit at University of Massachusetts, which is a top 20 team, most of my day was watching the team practice, or lift, or watch f ilm. It seemed like everything they did was revolved around lacrosse and to me that’s not what college is about. These division one athletes have such little time to socialize and make friends outside of their sports; everything they do is revolved around their sports. The fact that athletes willingly dedicate so much time to their sports is a huge reason why they should be paid. Division one athletics, especially sports such as football and basketball, are extremely profitable for the NCAA and for their schools. According to NCAA. org, the NCAA’s revenue for the 2011-2012 athletic seasons was 871. million dollars. The NCAA makes an extremely large amount of money from division athletics, with most of the money coming from television contracts and championships such as March Madness. Schools such as Texas make hundreds of millions of dollars because of their excellence in many sports, last year their football team profited $68,830,484. A lot of the money schools make, such a s Texas, is from selling merchandise. Big name schools sell tons of merchandise to the public; selling products such as jerseys should be illegal if they players don’t get paid. Why could they sell jerseys with players number on them but that player doesn’t get compensated for using their number on the jersey? Robert and Amy McCormick of Michigan State University have added a new dimension to the long debate over paying athletes by arguing they are â€Å"employees†under federal labor laws and entitled to form unions and negotiate wages, hours and working conditions. †Robert McCormick was the former attorney for the Nation Labor Relations Board and if he is saying that these players are employees, it’s about time that the NCAA recognizes them as employees also. A common argument against paying college athletes is that they won’t compete as hard because it won’t be the same as when they weren’t getting paid, but that argument has absolutely nothing to do with paying players. If anything, paying the players would make them work harder so that they could make more money! I believe that the best way to go about paying these players would be contracts, just like the professional athletes and like any other employee in the United States. These contracts would go on to say that the players would be paid an amount depending on their contribution to the team and that students would need to finish their schooling so that they have a backup plan. That is why you’re supposed to go to college in the first place, isn’t it? So that you can get a good education! To do this the NCAA would need the support from the professional sport teams and not draft players who haven’t graduated college yet. Another argument why players shouldn’t be paid to play is because they students-athletes and that there is a reason student becomes before athletes. Realistically, these young men and women aren’t student-athletes at all. Many of the players on division one team would never have gotten into college if it weren’t for sports. Also, if they are student-athletes then where do they find the time to do their schoolwork when they have practice, film, lifting, running etc. all day? The only reason many athletes go to college is so that they can get looks from the pros. If they are student-athletes then why do many of them leave college after a year or two to play professional sport? It’s because college is just a stepping-stone to them, they don’t care about the school aspect. When it comes to division one athletes, they are athletes first and students second. The players know it, the coaches know it, the fans know it, the only people who don’t know it are the people who make up the NCAA. In conclusion, times have changed and it’s time to pay division one athletes for their commitment and for the money they bring in for the schools and the NCAA. With college athletics competition being so tough now and so competitive, players have to dedicate so much more time to their sports then in the past. College athletics are not longer a sport that players do for fun, college athletics are now a job for the players that consists of hours of practice everyday and throwing your social life out for your sports college athletics make hundreds of millions of dollars for the NCAA and tens of millions of dollars for the schools, so why is it that these players don’t get compensated for their commitment and contribution to the schools and the NCAA? I personally believe that it is ridiculous that players don’t get paid anymore. One of my best friends Dylan Baumgardner, a lacrosse player at Quinnipiac University said it perfectly when asked if he still loved playing lacrosse, â€Å" I don’t play lacrosse anymore, I go to class, then I go to work all day, then I go to sleep. †Joe Nocera of the New York Times, came up with a plan for college athletics that would make college athletics work like professional sports with signing bonuses, salary caps, insurance, player unions and it would even offer additional scholarships to players who want to further their education. This plan will go into consideration in 2014. How to cite Paying Division One Athletes, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Standards Vocabulary Reading Literary Domain Essay Example
Standards Vocabulary Reading Literary Domain Paper Adaptation This is a version of an original source (such as a diary, an autobiography, or a story) which is modified for presentation in another form, such as a film, a musical, or a play. Allusion This is the reference to a person, place, or event from history, literature, or religion with which a reader is likely to be familiar. Analyze This is to separate a whole into its parts. Archetypal Character This is a character in a work that represents a certain type of person. Argument (1) This involves one or more reasons presented by a speaker or a writer to lead the audience or reader to a conclusion on an issue. Argument (2) This is a statement that seeks to convince readers of something, addresses a problem, and takes a position. Central The key point made in a passage is called its ____ idea. Central Argument This is the dominant and controlling argument. Character This is an individuals mental or moral quality. Characterization This is the combination of ways that an author shows readers what a person in a literary selection is like. Characters These are the people or animals who take part in a literary work. Citation This is the notation of a source used for a paper Classic Something widely recognized as a model or example of a type of literary work. Classical Literature This includes great masterpieces of the Greek, Roman, and other ancient civilizations as well as any writing that is widely considered a model of its form. Conclusion This is when you use pieces of information on a subject to base your opinion or make a decision. You draw a ________. Conflict Often, an antagonistic relationship called a ___ drives the plot of a story or novel. Connotation This refers to the feelings and associations that go beyond the dictionary definition of a word. Context (1) This is the framework of meaning which surrounds a specific word, sentence, idea, or passage. Context (2) When we find the meaning of a word (or phrase) by looking at the words and sentences around it, we are using ____ clues. Context Clues These are in the text surrounding a word and give hints for the meaning of the word. They are called ___ ___. Controlling The _____ idea of a passage is the idea which is dealt with and recurs throughout the passage. Cultural Elements This includes language, ideologies, beliefs, values, and norms. These elements help to shape the life of a society. Cultural Setting This is the phrase for the set of values, beliefs, and opinions shared by a group and surrounding the author at the time of her writing. Definition Usually found in a dictionary, this tells you the meaning of a word or phrase. Denotation The literal definition of a word is also called its ______. Detail This is a piece of information that is used to support a main idea. Dialogue These are the words spoken by characters in a literary work. Diction This is the writers choice of words, including the vocabulary used, the appropriateness of the words, and the vividness of the language. Direct Characterization When a character is revealed by clear descriptions by the author, this is called _____ characterization. Dynamic A character who changes during the course of a story is called a _____ character. Euphemism This is the substitution of an agreeable or non-offensive phrase for one that might be unpleasant or offensive. Event This word means anything that happens to or is done by a character in a story. Evidence This is information that supports a thought or belief. Experience This is the name for what is gathered through the general process of living, or for the process itself. Fiction This is writing that tells about imaginary characters and events. Figurative Langauge This goes beyond the literal meanings of words to create special effects or feelings. Flashback This is a scene, a conversation, or an event that interrupts the present action to show something that happened in the past. Flat Character A character in a fictional work that is never fully developed by the author is called a ___ character. Formal Language This kind of language usually has longer sentences and a greater variety of words than everyday speech. Slang, contractions, and jargon are avoided. Historical The setting and circumstances in which a literary work is written or an event occurs are called its ___ context. Historical Setting This is the political, social, cultural, and economic time and place surrounding the creation of a literary text. Idiom This is a phrase in common use that can not be understood by literal or ordinary meanings. Implied Meaning This is a suggested, but not stated, definition. Indirect This is when an author reveals a person in the story through his/her words, thoughts, appearance, action, or what others think or say about him/her. It is called ___ characterization. Inference This is reading between the lines. It is taking something that you read and putting it together with something that you already know to make sense of what you read. You make an _____. Informal Language This is what people use in everyday speech. It usually consists of fairly short sentences and simple vocabulary. It is called _______ speech or language. Informational Text This is a type of real-world writing that presents material that is necessary or valuable to the reader. Internal Conflict This is when a character has a problem within him or herself. Jargon This refers to the language of a specialized type, usually dealing with a narrow area of study or knowledge. It has a slightly negative connotation, and can imply that the language is mere word play. Literal Meaning This is the ordinary, usual, or exact meaning of words, phrases, or passages. No figurative language or interpretation is involved. Literary Summary A _____ summary is a synopsis of the events, characters, and ideas in a work of literature. Main Idea This is the central and most important idea of a reading passage or presentation. Moral This is the theme of a passage, story, novel, poem, or drama that readers can apply to life. Motivation This is the wants, needs, or beliefs that cause a character to act or react in a particular way. Mystery This is a genre that often includes detectives and a crime that must be solved. Myth This is a traditional tale about gods, goddesses, heroes, and other characters. Mythology This is a body or collection of tales belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes. It explains the actions of gods and goddesses or the cause of natural phenomena and includes supernatural elements. Non-literal This is when the meaning is NOT exact or word for word. It is figurative and it requires interpretation. Opinion This is an expression of an authors personal belief. It is not something that can be proved to be true or false. Paraphrase This is the restatement of a written work in ones own words that keeps the basic meaning of the original work. Person vs. Self This describes the type of conflict when the leading character struggles with himself/herself; with his conscience, feelings, or ideas. Perspective This is a writers or speakers point of view about a particular subject, and is often influenced by their beliefs or by events in their lives. Plot This is the series of events that happen in a literary work. Point of View This is the perspective from which a story is told. It is the way the author lets the readers see and hear the story; who tells the story. Quote If you repeat the words someone else has said or written, you ______ them. Sequence This is the order in which things are told in a story. Sequencing This is arranging things in order so they can be numbered or related in a connected series. Setting This is the time and place in which a literary work happens. Shakespeare He was a great poet and playwright during the English Renaissance. His works include Romeo and Juliet, The Tragedy of Macbeth, and many sonnets. Source (1) This is a person, book, document, website or record that provides information. Source (2) A research __________ is any material that can be used to locate information about a given topic. Static A _________ character does not change during the course of the action. Structure This refers to a writers arrangement or overall design of a literary work. It is the way words, sentences, and paragraphs are organized to create a complete work. Summarize This is to state briefly. Support (1) to strengthen or prove an argument or idea by providing facts, details, examples and other information Support (2) To strengthen your ideas and opinions with examples, facts, or details is to add _____ details. Supporting Evidence These are the facts or details that back up a main idea, theme, or thesis. Supporting Sentence A _____ sentence helps to clarify, describe, explain, or enhance the main idea of a paragraph. Technical Writing This is writing that communicates specific information about a particular subject, craft, or occupation. Tension This is a form of suspense or potential conflict. It can occur between characters or arise from general situations. Theme This is the message, usually about life or society, that an author wishes to convey through a literary work. Thesis The main point or central idea that a writer states and then endeavors to prove is called a ____. Thesis Statement This is the the main idea of an essay, usually expressed as a generalization that is supported with concrete evidence. Tone This is the attitude that an author takes toward the audience, the subject, or a character. Topic This is the specific part of a subject that is dealt with in a research paper or in an essay. Universal Theme This is the central message of a story, poem, novel, or play that many readers can apply to their own experiences, or to those of all people. Viewpoint This is a writers opinion or standpoint on an issue. Word Choice (1) This is another way of saying diction. This can help reveal a) the tone of the work, b) connotations of meaning, and/or c) his style of writing. Word Choice (2) This is the authors or speakers craft or style. It might be formal, informal, or even slang. Diction is a synonym.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Essay on The Truly Staggering Cost Of Inventing New Drugs
Essay on The Truly Staggering Cost Of Inventing New Drugs Essay on The Truly Staggering Cost Of Inventing New Drugs Essay on The Truly Staggering Cost Of Inventing New DrugsToday the drug issue is rather complicated. Drugs have always been a social problem. The use of illegal drugs makes other social problems worse. There are many reasons that can be applied to classify drugs as illegal (Mooney et al., 2012).  Many drugs are considered to be illegal because they share addictive qualities that can cause damage to human health. Besides, drugs can be legal in one country, but illegal in another country. The major reasons to this difference in drug distribution include political reasons, e.g. legalization of drugs, or procedural reasons, e.g. â€Å"approved by another federal regulatory body but not yet approved by the FDA†(Welborn, 2005, p. 10). At the same time, prescription drugs can be legal in the U.S., but taken illegally by individuals because of the difference in price or some other reasons, e.g. â€Å"no legal prescription obtained, or a drug prescribed for someone else†(We lborn, 2005, p. 10). Illegal drugs make other social problems worse, including such problems as the increased crime rate, overcrowded prisons, increased unemployment rate, the spread of AIDS and other health problems, decrease in the U.S. economy and inability to continue the invention of new effective drugs.There are many social problems caused by the use of illegal drugs. In the U.S. social problems are focused on violation of the established social norms, rules and regulations. The use of illegal drugs leads to the increased drug-related gang violence, which is connected with illegal cocaine and marihuana distribution. The increased crime rate affects the society in general and each society member in particular. Although in some states marihuana is legally used for medical purposes, there are many cases which require special consideration as they lead to harmful actions (Mooney, 2012).The problem of overcrowded prisons is one more consequence of the use of illegal drugs in th e U.S. Those citizens who are involved in illegal distribution of drugs become criminals. There are many causes that lead to this social problem. According to researchers, â€Å"the arrest of street drug sellers puts pressure and expense on the already crowded prisons†(Parviz-Babalavi, 2010, p. 62). If drug sellers are arrested, they lose nothing. There are no laws that would fine these people, therefore, overcrowded prisons has become a serious social problem that affects budget and makes no revenue for the U.S. government.Another serious social problem caused by the distribution of illegal drugs in the U.S. is unemployment. As a rule, drug users are unemployed. They produce nothing and contribute nothing to the development of the U.S. society. The U.S. government is dealing with this social problem through the application of various social programs aimed at providing training and education courses for the unemployed (Mooney et al., 2012).Besides, the use of illegal drugs ma kes such social problem as the spread of AIDS worse. In many cases, the use of illegal drugs is associated with the spread of infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases (Mooney et al., 2012; Welborn, 2005). In addition, the use of illegal drugs makes various family issues worse. For example, â€Å"conviction of a drug offense can lead to a parent being in prison, eviction from public housing, deportation and permanent exclusion from public assistance†(Mooney et al., 2012, p. 92).Finally, the use of illegal prescription drugs in the U.S. may lead to decrease in the U.S. economy. If the U.S. citizens continue to buy lower-priced prescription drugs in Canada, Mexico and other countries, there would be a considerable decrease in the U.S. economy (Herper, 2013). According to researchers, the cost of drug manufacturing is rather low, but the cost of new drugs development is rather high (Herper, 2013). One of the reasons of the high cost of prescription drugs in t he U.S. is that higher prices allow the U.S. pharmaceutical specialist to invent new effective drugs. According to researchers, â€Å"a single clinical trial can cost $100 million at the high end, and the combined cost of manufacturing and clinical testing for some drugs has added up to $1 billion†(Herper, 2013). This fact means that the use of illegal prescription drugs may lead to the decline in invention of new effective drugs.ConclusionThus, it is necessary to conclude that the use of illegal drugs can be viewed as a serious social problem that can make other social problems worse. The U. S. Government should take the proper actions to reduce the negative effects of illegal drugs on the U.S. society in general and on each member of society in particular. The classification of dugs as illegal involves various reasons, therefore, it would be better to place emphasis on each reason and find the proper solutions to eliminate the negative effects of illegal drug use in the U. S.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Herbert Spencer Quotations on Education
Herbert Spencer Quotations on Education Herbert Spencer was an English philosopher, prolific writer, and advocate of education, science over religion, and evolution. He wrote four essays on education and is known for espousing that science is the knowledge of greatest worth. He is also known for the following famous quotations: â€Å"Mother, when your children are irritable, do not make them more so by scolding and fault-finding, but correct their irritability by good nature and mirthfulness. Irritability comes from errors in food, bad air, too little sleep, a necessity for change of scene and surroundings; from confinement in close rooms, and lack of sunshine.†â€Å"The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action.†â€Å"For discipline, as well as for guidance, science is of chiefest value. In all its effects, learning the meaning of things is better than learning the meaning of words.†â€Å"Those who have never entered upon scientific pursuits know not a tithe of the poetry by which they are surrounded.†â€Å"Education has for its object the formation of character.†â€Å"Science is organized knowledge.†â€Å"People are beginning to see that the first requisite to success in life is to be a good animal.†â€Å"In science the important thing is to modify and change ones ideas as science advances.†â€Å"The behavior of men to the lower animals, and their behavior to each other, bear a constant relationship.†â€Å"It cannot but happen†¦that those will survive whose functions happen to be most nearly in equilibrium with the modified aggregate of external forces†¦This survival of the fittest implies multiplication of the fittest.†â€Å"Progress, therefore, is not an accident, but a necessity†¦It is a part of nature.†â€Å"The survival of the fittest, which I have here sought to express in mechanical terms, is that which Mr. Darwin has called natural selection, or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life. â€Å"When a mans knowledge is not in order, the more of it he has, the greater will be his confusion.†â€Å"Never educate a child to be a gentleman or lady alone, but to be a man, a woman.†â€Å"How often misused words generate misleading thoughts.†â€Å"The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly, is to fill the world with fools.†â€Å"Every cause produces more than one effect.†â€Å"Government is essentially immoral.†â€Å"Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.†â€Å"Music must take rank as the highest of the fine arts - as the one which, more than any other, ministers to the human spirit.†â€Å"No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy. â€Å"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation.†â€Å"Much dearer be the things which come through hard distress.†â€Å"We too often forget that not only is there a soul of goodness in things evil, but very generally a soul of truth in things erroneous.†â€Å"Our lives are universally shortened by our ignorance.†â€Å"Be bold, be bold, and everywhere be bold.â€
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Pestle Framework of Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Pestle Framework of Business - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that regarding the influence of the political environmental factors, matters of restrictions, policy, and other derivatives of the environment determine the nature of operations in ways that determine the trends of business. These factors have the capacity of enhancing the nature of business just as they have the potential of providing some robust framework that is used for the general performance of the business.This discussion highlights that it is important to consider some of the issues attending to the processes of business in terms of the various issues that affect and are in turn affected by the environmental factors. An awareness of these factors is necessary for the processes of planning, strategizing, budgeting, and the general management of the business. The development of strategy is usually determined by the ability of the business to use all the positive values and qualities that are necessary for the sustenance of the business. In es sence, the levels of success or failure of a business is necessarily determined by the manner in which the business connects with environmental factors as considered within the aspect of reality. The political environment usually occurs in ways that are generally available for the determination of the levels of performance of the business. It is important to consider the fact that the political factors are connected to the other macro-economic factors that determine the nature of the operating environment.... The political environment usually occurs in ways that are generally available for the determination of the levels of performance of the business. It is important to consider the fact that the political factors are connected to the other macro-economic factors that determine the nature of the operating environment. Political factors in the environment of business could be conducive or hostile depending on a range of factors. Political environments that feature stringent conditions and policies will essentially stifle the aspect of competition within the process (Murray-Webster, 2010, p. 121). The realization of the range of factors that attend to the issues and values of the organization will essentially lead to the development of issues based on some of the matters that attend to matters of relevance and the determination of a range of factors that attend to the issues related to commerce and enterprise. Some of the issues that affect the operations of business are largely regulated by the fact that issues affecting business are essentially regulated by concerns in the world of business. Regarding the economic forces, certain economic factors have a direct impact on the manner in which businesses operate as understood within the framework of environmental factors. Generally, some of the issues that attend to the matter of challenge are necessarily controlled by the manner in which certain issues and processes are regulated. Economic growth and exchange rates are some of the economic factors that affect the performance of businesses within certain economic environments (Cheverton, 2005, p. 30). Economic growth encompasses a range of factors such as the availability of efficient banking services and robust and dependable
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Commentaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Commentaries - Essay Example Having intelligence definitely â€Å"impedes the effectiveness of fulfilling [the UN’s] goals†(â€Å"Intelligence Collection at the United Nations for Peace Keeping Operations,†2011, pp. 4). It is beneficial that member states do share information, to some degree. Of course, it’s important that such information is shared to the benefit of the United Nations. This paper accurately points out, however, that US Secretary of State Colin Powell introduced WMD as being valid intelligence, which led the United States to engage in a war that lasted eight (8) years and cost $700 billion dollars. Breakdown in communication between ONUC forces and the civilian leadership in the Congo due to interference of UN intelligence-gathering is even yet another piece of evidence that intelligence-gathering by the UN may not be a smart idea, because, in this case, the UN member countries were not willing to supply intelligence to the military. In another situation in Haiti, t here was incorrect information being disseminated from informants, and the paper uses this piece of information to support the fact that the UN should not be involved in collecting intelligence for peacekeeping operations. One of the greatest difficulties the UN has, however, is to strike a delicate balance between spying and open secrets. â€Å"For the UN, a great dilemma arises when the information is gathered and kept secretly, since the world body is dedicated to transparency, impartiality and the rule of law†(Dorn, 2011, pp. 4).†Knowing this, it is important to realize how difficult it can be, and is, for the United Nations to continue such operationsâ€â€not only when such an unreliable piece of information was announced in front of the UN by Colin Powellâ€â€but because of the fact that the UN must remain transparent while conducting covert operations. It doesn’t make much sense. III. The Weaknesses of the Seminar Paper First off, in terms of techn ical aspects, there are some minor grammatical errors on the title page and in the introduction. To begin with, â€Å"peacekeeping†is one word, not two separate words. The references or bibliography page also needs to be overhauled, as there is much incorrect referencing structure. Also, the in-text citations for Harvard require more work. Details will be discussed in the Suggestions for Improvement section. Secondly, one has to be realistic about what intelligence is, which is deception. Nations that are not part of the United Nations are game to be spied on. The UN cannot simply rely on informal information from member states. Secretary of State Colin Powell’s information which he introduced before members of the world community in the UN was not good intelligence. This is one of the greatest pieces of evidence why the UN should not get involved in the intelligence community, if there are any. Colin Powell declared, â€Å"Numerous human sources tell us that the Ira qis are moving not just documents and hard drives, but weapons of mass destruction, to keep them from being found by inspectors†(Rockefeller, 2009, pp. 40). Later this information was refuted. â€Å"The question of to what extent Iraq could rebuild and reconstitute its WMD program in four years (1998-2002) is the real issue†(Mauroni, 2006, pp. 116). At the time, however, everyone believed Powell’
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Teaching Philosophy Statement :: Education Educational Educating Essays
Teaching Philosophy Statement Every year I have had a teacher who has always went that extra mile to make sure I thoroughly understood each and every lesson. For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a teacher; I want to be like all those teachers who helped me through the years. One particular teacher who seems to stick out in my mind, is Mr. Scott Vargo. He taught 10th grade Biology and 12th grade Anatomy and Physiology, both of which I took. I have to say I've never met a teacher like him; his teaching style was extremely unique. Every student, who has ever walked through the door of his classroom, has walked out with a wonderful feeling of accomplishment because they walked away with knowledge. Every student Mr. Vargo has ever taught, has bragged on his enthusiasm and devotion to the subjects he teaches. One reason students call him enthusiastic is because, instead of giving tests, he gives "Celebrations of Success." While passing out the test, he plays the song, "Celebrate!" Everyone down the hall knows when Mr. Vargo is giving a "Celebration of Success" because they hear the music echo throughout the classrooms. Mr. Vargo does not see his tests as a test of one's knowledge, but as a celebration for successfully learning new material. I have to agree with his viewpoint because not only is it a great way to look at tests, but it also takes the edge off the students by celebration rather than testing. Even though I did not come out of that class with a perfect grade, the knowledge I gained was far more satisfying. By example and experience, Mr. Vargo showed me what it is like to be a great teacher and love doing so. He gave me the determination to be a humorous, compassionate, and well-educated teacher. After reading about the direct teaching method, I thought that would be a great method to use. In my former high school, this method is used quite often; however, I continued reading about the other methods, and I had recalled these methods also being used.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Analysis of Current Event at Telstra Essay
Management issue is a common phenomenon that an organization attempting to maximize profits must grapple with. Telecommunication as it is the case with Telstra Corporation Limited has been distinguished by highly competitive market. On the same breath, actors and competitors on the market have been seen struggling with the increasing cost of operation, production, development and mature market. In light of this, the Company faces management issue when it comes to decision making, integrating new models and working within the realm of theoretical frameworks. ResearchMoz (2013) notes that in an industry where competition is rife, analysis of a company’s management issues and current events encompass the recognition of different strategies that enable it maintain competitive position. Despite these positions, it has to be recognized that analysis of management issues of Telstra Corporation Limited must first recognize the position of the Company with regard to managing risks as p ostulated by the Company’s Chief Risk Office (Schermerhorn et al., 2014). Ideally, Telstra Corporation Limited has Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to undertake and as one of its management issue or strategy. Consequently, such must be conceptualised through its laid platform, structure, financial reports and annual reports. Similarly, evidence based researches have shown that the first step in understanding management of a company is to integrate its undertaking when it comes to CSR and how sustainable the Company intends to operate with regard to the environment, competitors and specific objectives (Millmore, 2007; Hubbard, 2008; Bardoel, 2012). Based on the Company’s Corporate Social Report 2014, its CSR is embedded on four critical issues; internal environment, external environment, customers and sustainability (Corporate Social Responsibility Report, 2014). That is, the commitment of the Company towards corporate responsibility starts with simple but straight forward commitments that cover its areas of operations and targeted objectives. F rom its principled perspective, the primary corporate responsibility can be summarised as follows: Provision of the country a foundation that ensures economic growth, sustainability prosperity, productivity improvement and global competitive Contributing towards resources; increasing technology, product services and people in employment to support the communities in which the Company operates and the specific needs of community at large Give a leading stewardship of environment by first and importantly, conservation, efficiency in the usage of resources, reducing and maintaining environmental footprint and reduction of operation costs (e.g. it took part in the Mobile Phone Recycling Program that was co-ordinated by the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Associations (AMTA) (Daley et al. 2014) Based on the Company’s corporate social responsibility as one of the management issues and as reported in the article, there is an integration of new management approach and that is the fact that risk management approach has been tailored to facilitate maximization of profits. Conversely, it can be established, based on its business principles and risk management approaches that the CSR has succeeded in the reduction of any adverse effects on and injury to the environment. Such is also embedded on the desire to preserve the beneficial qualities of the environment, while ensuring quality products and services in Australia (Baigh, 2014). In addition, to the above principles, analysis of the company’s management of this particular issue has also considered profits to the Company thus concluding that Telstra is revamping on this particular management strategy which is succeeding in line with its short and long term goals. To conceptualise this argument, scholars such as Hooper and Potter (2006) have drawn a thin line between CSR as a management issue and as a marketing issue. To ascertain that the CSR approach as contextualized is a management issue but financial or marketing issue, in most cases, companies always engage in pricing strategies which also depend on value pricing coupled with strategic markdowns. In such cases, this makes sales of their products to go down since it cannot compete effectively with other products. Additionally, products face what Hamlin (2012) terms as ‘a society of shifting priorities’ (p.281). Therefore there is pressure to keep up with the emerging social needs by style modification. It is for this reason that any decision to modify must be embedded on the premise to meet the needs of the targeted consumers. While the explanation above provides for what would constitute a marketing issue, what Telstra engages in is management issue. According to Johnson et al. (2011), CSR is not only management issue but a current one the sense that it deals with financial performance, top management, chief executive and shareholders. Herewith, the management issue within the context of Telstra is the responsiveness that should be taken because in a competitive environment where there are other operator s such as Huawei and Vodacom, managers are supposed to intervene in accordance with their position and power, especially where management can fail to respond to economic challenges and changes. Also related to CSR as a marketing issue is ethical decision making approaches. According to the article, the process of identification of managing risks through ethical decision making is an integral part of the Company’s governance framework and management issue which help in the realization of the success of the strategy as well as financial prospects for future operations. Telstra business ethics entails standards and principles that guide managers, individuals and work group behaviour in line with telecommunication and terms of service in Australia. Additionally, it is important to note that stakeholders of the Company make these conventions (principles) and such have been codified as regulations and laws. Contextualising this definition within the frameworks business management issue; ethical decision making help Telstra family design strategies that eliminate misconduct. According to Peng (2014) there are three significant components that sum up its ethical decision making as critical management issue; ethical decision making being individual factors, ethical decision making being Company’s relationship with others and ethical decision making being opportunities available for the Company. Basically, while this issue might to be seen as revamp on a current management strategy, it has been applied successfully since the Company bases the three components on behaviourist theory where what matters is what individuals in the Company can do rather than specific quality or attribute. That is, different patterns of individual b ehaviours are linked to ethical decisions that are made by the Company and such are geared towards the realisation of the goals and objectives that have been set by the Company. To contextualise the success of the Company with its approach of ethical decision making as one the management issue, Perren and Burgoyne (2010) report that Telstra has been engaging with Communication Workers Union with a view to offering better terms of service and transparency in supply management. For instance, in 2013, the Company engaged Low-Income Measures Assessment Committee (LIMAC) (this is an example of Communication Workers Union which is viewed as independent and transparent) which made changes to the package the Company was initially giving to its workers and suppliers. In connection to this, the Company, this particular issue has successful been engaged in what Katzenbach and Smith (2005) term as ‘vertical management’ (p. 37). Vertical management within the context of ethical decision making is a case where a Company liaises with regulatory organization so as to have a common agenda and conform to the requirements of the industry. Conceptualist theorists a nd ethical formalism argue that ethical decision making process in management encompass evaluations of fairness product stewardships but with respect to firm’s overall culture. In summary, with ethical decision making process as one of the management issue, Telstra has a well-defined management and leadership structure which is focused on the achievement of defined objectives including ‘green’ managements. Lastly, this issue departs from being finance or marketing issue on the ground that the approach lacks market orientation is a model that concretizes the strategy of finance and marketing. Senge et al. (2007) define this theory (market orientation) as a strategy that ensures all products and services as undertaken by Companies are oriented towards specific demands of clients and customers. Still on ethical decision making as one of the Company’s management issue or approach, Telstra’s planning, leading, organising, controlling and functioning is based on choices made on guidelines laid. According to article, one of the important issues to not is that the Company’s risk management frameworks are aligned with ISO 31000 Risk Management (Baigh, 2014). While this is an indicator of a management strategy or practice that has succeeded, underpinnings of theories of issue management are significant to the Company additionally; technical and commercial objectives remain axis for the Company. The success in management of this issue is conceptualised with regard to audience or customer satisfaction. This is to mean that in as much as its ethical decision making remains a priority as a management issue, targeted markets shapes such prioritiesâ€â€an aspect Aras and Crowther (2009) terms as ‘ascertaining the success of management strategies and policie s in downstream and upstream relationships’ (p. 213). From Michael Patterson (Telstra’s General Manager for Tasmania) statement on the legal battle the Company had with Optus, it can be realized that the Company’s planning, leading, organising, controlling and functioning are in line with the tenet of management of telephony inputs and components that are required in the market. This is an indication that there is long term transparency and conformity to good practices. Assessing Corporate Social Report 2013 vis-à -vis opening of the China’s SouFun Sensis, there is evidence that efforts are diverted to supply chain relationships with third party suppliers as well as other competitors. It is important to note that Telstra is overemphasizing on CSR strategies; an aspect that may affects its ethical decision making. If this stretches beyond what the Company can handle, strategic alignment with other sectors may be affected. Basically, this is where this strategy differs from the aspect of marketing in the sense that according to the theory of signaling, the best way to market a product is to engage a brand or product in competitive signal that are intended to pass information to potential consumers with an aim of making such consumers believe that competing products are substandard (Cole, 2012). This is exactly how Cadbury for instance has succeeded in capturing the attention of their targeted market every time they engage in marketing. Telstra, through this does management and not marketing as they do not engage in competitive signaling. As a management approach, Telstra looks at ethical decision making differently. That is as a management issue, ethical decision making is seen in terms of transparency when it comes to critical corporate accounting and statements. One of the critical goals of the Company is to attain what it terms as ‘front-line management’ (Baigh, 2014 p.26). The benefits of the people within and around have been necessitated through avoidance of misleading information. The continuum of growth in economy resonates around a transparent business operationâ€â€which is also a recipe of what this assessment considers to be a successful management approach. Synopsis on the Management Issue From the perspective of undertakings in the Company, the aspect is a management issue in the sense that it analyses the environment issues in lieu of external factors that impact business activities. On the other hand, the purpose of the management issues as analysed is to evaluate and determinate competitive advantages as well as threats a Company has with regard to its operations. These analyses recognise stiff competitions, threats and opportunities faced by companies such as Optus, Vodafone and 3 Mobile. In as much, this analysis considers Telstra due to its cutting edge when it comes to services such as broadband, hosting, directory and pay TV which are not as extensive in other companies. Since the management issue has been a success, revamping of a current policy is twofold; first, there is need to strategize the management issue identified to an extent that the company benefits from the economies of scales and the strong relationships with suppliers, which will place it in a strong bargaining position with its upstream partners and allows leveraging the costs. Strategizing the management issue to attain this goal means that a focus on customer-relationship and loyalty creation, as well as investment in research and technical development (R&D) to reduce the costs of services so as to compete with niche operators. Secondly, revamping on the current management issue must assess the possibility of working alongside its downstream partners to deliver triple-play solutions in voice, data and video services, expansion of data download quotas and continuous innovation in fixed line services, as opposed to mobile services, to offer incentives to its clients. Similarly on the question of whether Telstra is handling the identified management issue appropriately is manifold but the assessment will review two issues that offer succinct answers to the question. First, proper management of a company circles around how best a company maximizes a profit and expands networks (ResearchMoz, 2013). Through the management issue, Telstra has leveraged the risks of economic downturns by diversifying its income channels. The growing domestic market and the boost in 4G technologies enable further market penetration and help to reduce the pressure of external factors. Secondly, the Company through the management issue has pursued an investment heavy strategy to grow its existing network. However, financial indicators, outline a challenging internal environment in terms of liquidity and internal funding options. References Aras, G. & Crowther, D (2009). Global Perspective on Corporate Governance and CSR. Farnham: Gower Pub. Baigh, H. (2014). Seven Strategies for Simplifying Your Organization. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from Bardoel, A. (2012).Tool or Time Thief? Technology and the Work-Life Balance. Retrieved Cole, K. (2012). Management: Theory and practice. Australia: Pearson. Corporate Social Responsibility Report (2014): Understanding the Definition of Corporate SocialResponsibility: Daley, J., McGannon, C., & Ginnivan, L. (2012). Game-changers: Economic reform priorities for Australia. Melbourne: Grattan Institute from The Conversation, Future of Work: Hamlin. R. 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Thursday, January 9, 2020
Essay on Structural Technique in The Story of an Hour by...
Structure provides guidance to the reader throughout a short story. Kate Chopin uses structural techniques to enhance â€Å"The Story of an Hour†from beginning to end. She follows formal structure to a certain degree, but occasionally strays to actual structure. Upon analysis of the organization of Chopin’s story, the reader understands the powerful meaning that is expressed in such a short piece. Initially, a short story begins with an exposition. This is the laying out of important background information, characters, and setting. Chopin’s story is only a few short paragraphs in length, so her exposition is almost overlooked. However, she does provide one detail that is essential to appreciating Mrs. Mallard. Louise is described as needing†¦show more content†¦Continuing, Chopin provides the crisis to aid in the structure of â€Å"The Story of an Hour.†The crisis is the initiation of tension and provides the turning point in a story. Mrs. Malla rd’s reaction to the news is considered the crisis in this story. Upon hearing of her husband’s death, Louise â€Å"instantly grasps it†(Shmoop) and locks herself in her room to cry. The majority of widows would reject the announcement and insist that their husbands would be coming home any second. Louise proves to be an â€Å"unusual widow†(Shmoop), which drives the story to a unique situation. Since Mrs. Mallard acts like this, readers begin to ponder the intentions of her and the initial vulnerability she possesses. Chopin uses the crisis to lead up to the climax. While readers are questioning Louise, Chopin sneaks in the unusual climax and shocks them. Finally, readers reach the climax. Chopin wonderfully delivers a climax that strikes readers and may be considered disturbing. The purpose of a climax is to declare a high point and reveal any acceptance. In â€Å"The Story of an Hour†acceptance is an understatement. Mrs. Mallard finds herse lf declaring freedom and feeling relief, by the death of her husband. She no longer dreads her long years to come, but instead welcomes them with open arms. Her sickening feeling of victory confirms her anticipation for life after her husband’s death. She is â€Å"drinking in a very elixir of life†(Chopin, 294) that comes withShow MoreRelated â€Å"Stylistic Techniques in Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour†1108 Words  | 5 Pagesand engaging a piece of literature possesses the power to create a substantial contribution. One such great writer, Kate Chopin often wrote about an alternative way of thinking in regards to a women’s position in the 19th Century. Chopin was well known for some of the most shaping feminist stories and novels during her time. Accordingly, in her short story â€Å"The Story of an Hour†Chopin tells the tale of Mrs. Mallard’s reaction to the death of her husband, instead of fearing the forlorn widow yearsRe ad MoreMaya Angelou And Still I Rise897 Words  | 4 PagesIn â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and the poem â€Å"Still I Rise†Kate Chopin and Maya Angelou have explored the theme of oppression in a variety of different ways. â€Å"The Story of an Hour†is a short story based around how dramatically things can change within the space of an hour and how this can affect your life in the short period of time. Within the hour Mr Mallard is presumed dead in a railroad disaster, resulting in Mrs Mallard short lived ‘freedom’ after years of being oppressed, before soon learning that
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