Friday, May 22, 2020
A Brief Note On Ethics And Social Responsibility - 1543 Words
Women Equality Paige Haddock SOC 120: Introduction to Ethics Social Responsibility Shana Goodson 11/23/15 Introduction Promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls is a priority for the United States. Women’s equality has came a long ways. Women used to have it very hard historically, but even today women still experience some inequality towards men. In this paper it will examine the equalities in: voting, the workplace, and sexual harassment. This paper will also so how the ethical theories of Deontology and Utilitarianism plays a part and how the ethical perspective Emotivism also plays a part. Theories and Perspective Deontology is the reason for which the act is done and the rule according to which one chooses to act (Mosser, 2013). It doesn’t deny that the acts that we do have consequences (Mosser, 2013). It insists that those roles should not play a part in our moral evaluation of such acts (Mosser, 2013). Utilitarianism is a natural way to see whether an act is the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do it is to look at the results, or consequences of the act that we do (Mosser, 2013). Utilitarianism argues that, given a set of choices, the act that we should chose is one which produces the best results (Mosser, 2013). Emotivism offers a perspective on our ethical claims that eliminates much of the traditional kind of argument based on reason (Mosser, 2013). Emotivism, instead, sees our moral evaluation as simply the expression of whetherShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Ethics And Social Responsibility Essay1120 Words  | 5 Pages Discussion forum Unit 6 ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The world most regions and countries are experiencing unexpected rapid demographic change. The practical example of this change is the â€Å"huge expansion of human population†. Over five billion been added to the world population of 1960. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Character Analysis Pride And Prejudice - 1160 Words
Seema Sabbagh Mr. Clark AP Literature, 6th 11/10/14 Pride and Prejudice 2002 - Morally ambiguous characters -- characters whose behavior discourages readers from identifying them as purely evil or purely good -- are at the heart of many works of literature. Choose a novel or play in which a morally ambiguous character plays a pivotal role. Then write an essay in which you explain how the character can be viewed as morally ambiguous and why his or her moral ambiguity is significant to the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary. Judging by reality and fiction, there is not a single person to exist that has been purely evil or purely good. Yet it is in human nature to judge others as good or evil. Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of Pride and Prejudice was quick to judge Fitzwilliam Darcy, the second central character of the novel, harshly based on her false assumptions of the arrogance of the wealthy. His initial egocentrism, due to his belief in a structured social hierarchy, caused her to form a prejudiced opinion of him. Throughout Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy is shown to exhibit both good and evil qualities, although not always apparent to the narrator, Elizabeth. Jane Austen’s portrayal of Mr. Darcy as a morally ambiguous character uncovers the significance of class in English society during the late seventeenth century. The central theme of Pride and Prejudice is one of class. In a world where the lines of class are strictly drawn, the dignityShow MoreRelatedPride And Prejudic e Character Analysis1598 Words  | 7 Pagesanother era but also within generation themselves, as proves the character of Mr. Darcy. The evolution of Mr. Darcy’s character in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice symbolizes the disregarding of some of the values and behaviors regulating England’s Regency society such as class, reputation and the excess pride in such values. Mr. Darcy’s prejudice causes him to quickly judge others based solely on their social status and not their character, as society has taught him, to then realize that the two ofRead MoreCharacter Analysis of Pride and Prejudice Essay763 Words  | 4 PagesPride and Prejudice The characters and general setting in Jane Austens; Pride and Prejudice, portray life in the rural society of the day. Austen is very clear in setting up the social classes of the characters and immediately portrays why the book is titled Pride and Prejudice. Though the more specific example of Pride and Prejudice is that of Elizabeth and Darcy, and how they first view each other. There initial feelings towards one another set the plot of the novel. It is this constantRead MorePride And Prejudice Character Analysis1551 Words  | 7 PagesThe novel Pride and Prejudice was first published in 1813. Signet Classics published Jane Austen’s book in 1980. The story takes place in early 19th century England. Important settings are Longbourn: the Bennets’ estate, Netherfield Park: the estate of Mr. Bingley; Rosings Park: the estate of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and Pemberley: Mr. Darcy’s estate. Major characters in this comically toned romance include Elizabeth and Jane Bennet, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley, and Mr. Wickham. Elizabeth is the protagonistRead More An Analysis of Characters in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice1662 Words  | 7 PagesAn Analysis of Characters in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice An author will often give his or her work a title that reflects the overall theme or meaning of the piece-this is certainly the case in Jane Austens novel Pride and Prejudice. A title may set the mood or describe a situation which otherwise might require several paragraphs to develop. Pride and Prejudice is a combination of humor, irony, and twists of events. Austen entitles her work Pride and Prejudice to emphasize subtly theRead MorePride And Prejudice Character Analysis Essay1801 Words  | 8 Pagesis also impulsive, stubborn, and outspoken. The protagonist of Jane Austen’s novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’ remains to be one of the most famous female characters in English Literature. Often noted in Instagram captions or on a homemade canvas bag, a quote such as â€Å"Looking for my Mr. Darcy†or something along those lines can be found all over the internet. From the time of her creation to the present-day her character has stood as a source of inspiration to her readers. â€Å"Lizzy†is a heroine with whomRead MoreCharacter Analysis of Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice Essay1019 Words  | 5 PagesCharacter Analysis: Mr. Darcy Introduced to Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice as a tall, handsome, self-absorbed aristocrat, Darcy experiences a change in personality and character. In order to dispose of his existent views on money and marriage, Darcy needed to feel something, to fall in love. Although he was well mannered, he did not know how to treat women with respect, especially those of a lesser economic status. The love of Elizabeth Bennet, however, changed his behavior. The reader isRead MoreWrite a Critical Analysis of Jane Austen’s Novel Pride and Prejudice, Paying Special Attention to Family Politics. Comment on the Elizabeth – Darcy Relationship. What Makes Elizabeth and Darcy Different from All Other Characters in the Novel?909 Words  | 4 PagesWrite a critical analysis of Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice, paying special attention to family politics. Comment on the Elizabeth – Darcy relationship. What makes Elizabeth and Darcy different from all other characters in the novel? Student: Daniela Gospodinova In the 19th century in England, when Jane Austen writes, the marriage is something that every young woman wants - to marry a single, wealthy men, showing both joy and gratitude. In the beginning of the novel, the openingRead MorePride Prejudice Literature Analysis1311 Words  | 6 PagesLiterature Analysis 2 The most difficult part of creating a masterpiece is the actual process of writing or composing it, one highly overlooked difficulty of the job of the creator is the development of a suitable title. In just a few words, an effective title gives the audience a basic idea of what they are about to spend their time reading about. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is an example of a novel with such a title that is very significant in the development of the story. As the readerRead MorePride And Prejudice Love Essay1238 Words  | 5 Pagesemanated. The basis for this analysis was whether relationships should be navigated utilizing emotion and feeling or reason and logic. The literary work of Regency era author, Jane Austen, details such a balance, as it endeavors to convey Austen’s interpretation of true affection between couples of well-examined intrinsic morality. The characters of Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice conten d with the moral vices of pride and prejudice as they overcome judgementsRead MoreThe Representations of Femininity in Pride and Prejudice904 Words  | 4 Pagesrepressing period. Most of her characters and stories revolve around the lives of the upper class. It centers on the values, rituals, and manners of high society in England during the Regency Era. Her most popular novel, Pride and Prejudice published in 1813 maintains the interest of its audiences as it did almost two centuries earlier as evidenced by its frequent incarnations. In 1995, the British Broadcasting Corporation produced a six episode mini-series of Pride and Prejudice in partnership with Arts
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Paying Division One Athletes Free Essays
ENG 100P April 12, 2013 Pay to Play: Should Division One College Athletes be Paid? Every year division one college athletes put everything they have on the line during practice everyday and make hundreds of millions of dollars for their schools and the NCAA every year. These athletes aren’t just playing for the love of the game anymore once they reach the division one level, it turns into more of a job than an activity. The players spend hours every single day dedicating almost all of their time to the sport they play. We will write a custom essay sample on Paying Division One Athletes or any similar topic only for you Order Now These athletes work just as long and much harder than your average person working a nine to five job, so why don’t the athletes get paid for their commitments to their teams? Last year the NCAA made 871. 6 million dollars from division one sports. The average division one men’s football team brings in 15. 8 million dollars to their school each year. The amount of money that these sports make for their school is so high; the players should get some kind of reward for all they do for their schools. The old rules that say college athletes cant be paid in any way needs to change, division one college athletes deserve to be paid for all they do for the NCAA and their schools. Growing up every athlete’s dreams of playing in that national championship game for their dream school and scoring the winning touchdown or overtime goal. As a child you don’t realize that commitment it takes to be part of a division one athletic team. Coming from a big lacrosse and football town, my friends and I have gone through the division one recruiting process and know how hard it is to play a division one sport. Many of my former teammates play division one lacrosse and after talking to them I realized really how tough it is to play a division one sport. When asked about how lacrosse at Sacred Heart University was going, Freshman Spencer Hackett said; â€Å" I’ve grown up with lacrosse and I love the sport very much, but division one is so much more then I thought it would be. Everyday I have two practices that last at least two hour, then after that I have mandatory lift and film sessions. Spencer dedicates at least six hours every day for his team, and they’re one of the lowest ranked teams in division one, I can only imagine the commitment it takes to play on a high ranked team. In my personal experience of going through the division one recruiting process, I saw how much blood; sweat and tears go into being a division one athlete. On my overnight visit at University of Massachusetts, which is a top 20 team, most of my day was watching the team practice, or lift, or watch f ilm. It seemed like everything they did was revolved around lacrosse and to me that’s not what college is about. These division one athletes have such little time to socialize and make friends outside of their sports; everything they do is revolved around their sports. The fact that athletes willingly dedicate so much time to their sports is a huge reason why they should be paid. Division one athletics, especially sports such as football and basketball, are extremely profitable for the NCAA and for their schools. According to NCAA. org, the NCAA’s revenue for the 2011-2012 athletic seasons was 871. million dollars. The NCAA makes an extremely large amount of money from division athletics, with most of the money coming from television contracts and championships such as March Madness. Schools such as Texas make hundreds of millions of dollars because of their excellence in many sports, last year their football team profited $68,830,484. A lot of the money schools make, such a s Texas, is from selling merchandise. Big name schools sell tons of merchandise to the public; selling products such as jerseys should be illegal if they players don’t get paid. Why could they sell jerseys with players number on them but that player doesn’t get compensated for using their number on the jersey? Robert and Amy McCormick of Michigan State University have added a new dimension to the long debate over paying athletes by arguing they are â€Å"employees†under federal labor laws and entitled to form unions and negotiate wages, hours and working conditions. †Robert McCormick was the former attorney for the Nation Labor Relations Board and if he is saying that these players are employees, it’s about time that the NCAA recognizes them as employees also. A common argument against paying college athletes is that they won’t compete as hard because it won’t be the same as when they weren’t getting paid, but that argument has absolutely nothing to do with paying players. If anything, paying the players would make them work harder so that they could make more money! I believe that the best way to go about paying these players would be contracts, just like the professional athletes and like any other employee in the United States. These contracts would go on to say that the players would be paid an amount depending on their contribution to the team and that students would need to finish their schooling so that they have a backup plan. That is why you’re supposed to go to college in the first place, isn’t it? So that you can get a good education! To do this the NCAA would need the support from the professional sport teams and not draft players who haven’t graduated college yet. Another argument why players shouldn’t be paid to play is because they students-athletes and that there is a reason student becomes before athletes. Realistically, these young men and women aren’t student-athletes at all. Many of the players on division one team would never have gotten into college if it weren’t for sports. Also, if they are student-athletes then where do they find the time to do their schoolwork when they have practice, film, lifting, running etc. all day? The only reason many athletes go to college is so that they can get looks from the pros. If they are student-athletes then why do many of them leave college after a year or two to play professional sport? It’s because college is just a stepping-stone to them, they don’t care about the school aspect. When it comes to division one athletes, they are athletes first and students second. The players know it, the coaches know it, the fans know it, the only people who don’t know it are the people who make up the NCAA. In conclusion, times have changed and it’s time to pay division one athletes for their commitment and for the money they bring in for the schools and the NCAA. With college athletics competition being so tough now and so competitive, players have to dedicate so much more time to their sports then in the past. College athletics are not longer a sport that players do for fun, college athletics are now a job for the players that consists of hours of practice everyday and throwing your social life out for your sports college athletics make hundreds of millions of dollars for the NCAA and tens of millions of dollars for the schools, so why is it that these players don’t get compensated for their commitment and contribution to the schools and the NCAA? I personally believe that it is ridiculous that players don’t get paid anymore. One of my best friends Dylan Baumgardner, a lacrosse player at Quinnipiac University said it perfectly when asked if he still loved playing lacrosse, â€Å" I don’t play lacrosse anymore, I go to class, then I go to work all day, then I go to sleep. †Joe Nocera of the New York Times, came up with a plan for college athletics that would make college athletics work like professional sports with signing bonuses, salary caps, insurance, player unions and it would even offer additional scholarships to players who want to further their education. This plan will go into consideration in 2014. How to cite Paying Division One Athletes, Papers
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